南 学生 Share 研究 at Annual Undergraduate Symposium


十大玩彩信誉平台的学生, 从左, Shubhangi辛格, Nicholas Flynn and Destinie Diggs recently presented their research at the 24th annual Undergraduate 研究研讨会. Singh won the Best Poster Award from the Phi Kappa Phi honor society. data-lightbox =“特色”
十大玩彩信誉平台的学生, 从左, Shubhangi辛格, Nicholas Flynn and Destinie Diggs recently presented their research at the 24th annual Undergraduate 研究研讨会. Singh won the Best Poster Award from the Phi Kappa Phi honor society.

Shubhangi辛格, a sophomore at the 十大玩彩信誉平台, jokes that she has 对医学研究又爱又恨.

“It can be frustrating, and I think any researcher would tell you that,” she said. “事情几乎从来不会像你计划的那样发展.”

When things do work out, though, the results can be satisfying.

Singh won the Best Poster Award from the Phi Kappa Phi honor society at the 24th annual 10月本科生研究研讨会. 她在十大玩彩信誉平台的专业是 国际研究, with an emphasis on global health, and a minor in biomedical sciences. 她的研究 project was on the differences in tumor vascular density between smoking and nonsmoking 癌症患者.

当辛格开始她与冲浪的项目时,一名男子 暑期本科生研究奖学金, she ran into roadblocks and spent weeks just trying to collect enough samples to 开始.

“我当时很沮丧,但我还是和我的导师,奥巴马博士谈了谈. Santanu Dasgupta,我有 a great support group of people around me in the lab that really helped,” she said. “So just keep going, that might be the moral of the story here.”

More than 70 南 students kept going, did research and produced 海报 displays 本科生研究研讨会. 丹妮尔·弗洛雷斯是一名化学工程师 她的研究也获得了奖项. 她研究了…的量化 Western diet and physical activity effects on drosophila simulans hearts using novel 边缘检测软件.

Those giving oral presentations included Josephine Jalkh, who studied calcium signals in human airway muscle cells, and Katie West, who studied thin striped hermit crabs 以及海水温度上升的影响.


Most of the symposium projects were in the fields of science, engineering and medicine.

Nicholas Flynn, a junior from Metairie, Louisiana, did a project on turning Big Data from social media marketing into smaller pieces of useful information. 他的专业 in 信息技术但他的研究是与美国大学的教授一起进行的 米切尔商学院.

“我被招募了,”他笑着说. “他们想找一个有点 a computing background to do the data scraping for the project. 我本来会的 in Mobile for the summer, working at the alumni center, so it kind of worked out with 冲浪.”

Flynn’s computer concentration is in digital forensics and networking, but he thinks 这个商业项目提供了宝贵的经验.

“这是研究的良好开端,”他说. “这是现实世界的一个良好开端 应用程序.”


来自阿拉巴马州达芙妮的二年级学生德斯特妮·迪格斯做了一个 计算机工程 海报. Her project was about designs to make mobile video systems more power-efficient 采用基于环境亮度的视频位截断方法. 这个想法基本上是 to reduce power consumption by reducing video quality in bright environments, when 人们无法在他们的设备上看到差异.

“It sounds kind of complicated,” Diggs told an audience at the Undergraduate 研究 研讨会”,但其实很简单.”

In high school, the 19-year-old had done science projects on drones and robots. 之前 she even started her freshman year at 南, she began working with Dr. Na Gong, Warren Nicholson Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, who does nationally recognized research in artificial intelligence, circuit design and power-efficient systems.

“非常令人生畏,”迪格斯说. “与在我的车库里做项目相比,这绝对是一个巨大的飞跃 在真正的实验室工作. 我得说,我学到了很多.”


Singh grew up in Mobile and participated in the International Baccalaureate program 在墨菲高中. 她的父母,博士. Ajay Singh和Dr. Seema Singh,都很突出 研究人员在 美国健康米切尔癌症研究所.

他们以各种形式支持她的学术生涯. 在高中,辛格想 about becoming a lawyer or an engineer, before deciding on 国际研究.

在南方,辛格是 南方人 大学学生大使计划. 她是荣誉学院的成员, 她在哪里写毕业论文. 她参加了 提前录取计划 对于有兴趣参加的学生 弗雷德里克·P. 惠登医学院.

Her career hopes include becoming a physician scientist who continues to do research.

辛格计划在南方做更多的项目. 在本科生研究研讨会上,有人 suggested adding a category – former smokers – to her study of smokers and nonsmokers.  

“我可能会这么做,”她说. “但我有很多想法是对的 现在.”




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